Connecting the current Domain to another Domain on VPS Server


Domain Forwarding is a special technique to move your web traffic to another website of yours. This concept come into existence when you are making some temporary changes on your main website and you do want you visiters to be using your services then you redirect your traffic to another websites which you are using for your business.


This is incredibly very useful if you've recently moved content or rearranged the structure of your site. URL redirection and domain forwarding are two tactics that every webmaster should learn and utilize at some point in their professional career.


The most important thing is a 301 redirect and this is the one which major of  search engines like Google recommend that you use. It tells anyone who looks, including the search engines, that the page they are looking for has permanently moved elsewhere.


Lets look into the below steps to set domain forwarding under VPS hosting services:


  1. First you need to Login to our ACP Panel.


  1. Under List Account Select appropriate user and click on login.



  1. Now you need to go to Domain Forwarder Module which is present under Server Admin section.



  1. List of Forwarded Domains will be seen if you have already created or else you can create a new forwarded domain using the form below.


Forwarder Type: Select the type from the drop down menu.


Forward Domain: Select the appropriate domain from the drop down which

needs to be forwarded.


To: Enter the domain name for which you need to redirect.


  1. Next you need to click on Create.


  1. Now it can be seen under the list if you don't wish to redirect then you can delete it.

Note: Remember that htaccess file will be created automatically when you create domain forwarder for any domain.  We will take the backup of any htaccess file if present but we suggest you to take backup of any htaccess file by your end for safer side.